Data in BIM Projects: A Critical Role

Data in BIM Projects: A Critical Role

In Summary:

  • Data requires changes as the project matures but ignoring it in the early stages can lead to design phase errors which equal lack of code compliance, duplicated elements, and conflicting data.
  • BIM Assure can help utilize data in a more meaningful and powerful way. Our cloud-based system for model data resolves challenges and brings data to the forefront of a project.
Data. It can be our best friend or our worst enemy, especially throughout design and construction. Coordinating data is a Herculean challenge and often ignored as there isn’t a way to verify that the data meets expectations. Whether it be pre-construction design data for estimating, data collection during construction, or the all-important handover, a critical role is played by data in BIM projects. This was the topic at hand during an interactive presentation I had the opportunity to lead with the Central Florida Contractors’ BIM User Group (CFCBUG) on May 17. The event was coordinated by Curtis Brundidge, VDC Manager at Hoar Construction and hosted at the Hoar Construction office in Orlando. We began the presentation with a lively, open discussion on the importance and usefulness of BIM in the current designing and construction world and explored some of the reasons why data is ignored during this stage of development. In the end, we spend so much money on coordinating trades from a spatial perspective, so shouldn’t the data coordination be given equal importance? Data is overlooked because there is just too much of it – and, as we know – it’s easier to ignore a crowd than an individual. People often say, “It’s not my contract, it’s not my responsibility,” and move on because of the lack of relevancy and appropriateness of the data in the state of the project. Data requires changes as the project matures but ignoring it in the early stages can lead to design phase errors which equal lack of code compliance, duplicated elements, and conflicting data. And what does this lead to? More time and more money. “We spend so much money on coordinating trades from a spatial perspective, so shouldn’t the data coordination be given equal importance?”

So, What’s the Solution?

The presentation had a fantastic turnout, and I was pleased to see that CFCBUG is proactively pushing for greater inclusion of data in the early stages of the design and construction process. We explored one opportunity to utilize data in a more meaningful and powerful way through BIM Assure, a cloud-based system for model data that resolves challenges and brings data to the forefront of a project. As we all know, on an average project there are millions of pieces of data which can be nearly impossible to verify. During the presentation, we demoed BIM Assure’s technology to see how the system allows the user to automate a vast majority of data validation, which saves time, money, and increases accuracy. The presentation ended with a thoughtful Q&A about BIM Assure’s capabilities. I left the group knowing that the CFCBUG was excited about creating better design and increased handover capabilities.


The mission of the Central Florida Contractors’ BIM User Group is to develop and support personal & professional growth in Building Information Modeling (BIM), primarily focusing on Trades and Contractors in Central Florida. Learn more about the organization or join their LinkedIn group.